
This ministry was founded by Mr Ntsako Fortune Mabasa in 2010. He is the son of Mr Eric and Joyce Mabasa. They humbly raised him to be a respectable young man. His father is a famous radio commentator in South Africa and his mother is an educator for foundation phase teachers.  It is a ministry that is relevent and caring.

Welcome to Our website

Christ Kingdom Redeemed Fellowship is a ministry that has responded to the call of God with regard to ministering to the whole person. How true it is that God has loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should have everlasting life.
Therefore welcome to our website. May God bless you


Kingdom Global Leadership (KGL)

A global leadership structure aimed at raising future kingdom minded leaders. Apostle is responsible for this...

Christ Kingdom Redeemed Fellowship(CKRF)

This structure represents a network of churches under the umbrella of Christ Kingdom Redeemed Fellowship.

Kingdom Touch

A welfare section of the ministry run by the first lady. It's aim is to transform the lives of people by meeting basic need of the poor and vulnerable .

Trusted Clients
Case Studies
Total Cases Won
99. %
Successful Cases


At presence the church is in Tshepisong Phase 2 and is a vibrant and integral part of the community.

Apostle Fortune & Ntombi Mabasa

Senior Pastor & Overseer

Pastor Mabasa Senior

Pastor | Vlakfontein Branch


Donation, Offering and Tithes

You can plant a seed to our ministry so that we are able to continue with the work of the Lord. Your giving means a lot to us and may God bless you

We are also a registered Non Profit Organisation[ Department of Social Development] meaning that donations to us are exempt from tax: NPO 092-790

Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever.

Why Choose Our Firm

Taking the word of God to all the world through demonstrations of the Holy Spirit. Truly in Him we move live and have our being.


To take the presence of God to every creature on earth


1. To be socially relevent
2. To minister to the total being
3. Bring awareness of the love God has for his people
4. To network with other churches/ministries/organisations sharing the same objective

What we believe

- We believe in one God manifested inn the trinity
- We believe in the second coming of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ
-We believe in the resurrection of the dead. Eternal life with God for those who believe in Jesus Christ and eternal damnation to those who don't belive in Jesus Christ
-We believe in the virgin birth

Our Branches


Main Branch: Tshepisong

WhatsApp Image 2022-03-05 at 9.58.00 PM (1)

Branch: Vlakfontein

Victory Enforcers
Believers Conversion

VEBC 2022

Get in touch for more information

Date: 23-26 November 2022
Time: 18h00
26 Saturday 2022 | 15h00 Revival Services

Ticket Prices

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